I searched for a long time trying to find an app that would allow me to input my lesson plans, as well as times of my extracurricular activities, and home stuff too. I love that I can put multiple lines of text in so that I can put in my whole lesson plan (my shortform anyway...probably not good enough for someone else to follow!) I looked for some teacher apps but nothing was close to what I wanted. This is doing the trick though there are a few things I wish I could do in it.
I dont like the start up screen. I would like it to go directly to my today page. It would be neat if you could add a post it note or a tab on the today page that you could bring up if you had to add lots of info...something that you would click on to see, but would be minimized on the page until clicked. I doubt I will ever record a note...I dont want to listen to it! I can read a lot faster than listen.
I would really like a desktop integration. Its great that you can back up the info and its great that you can take a photo of a page, but desktop integration, even at an added expense, would allow me to back up the app at home, and do input on a real keyboard which is faster than by iphone keyboard.
Looking forward to updates to this app. It has great potential.
cccjjj about Organizer for iPhone, v4.1.1